Allow me to introduce myself

Bertrand Saint-Guillain

cartomancy and the tarot

Honestly reading the cards message and the Truth, this is what is the most important, much more than any "pedigree" - no commentary or long stories about this card reading aunty or that traditional herbalist great grandfather, even though I have the utmost respect for oracular traditions and my ancestor, this won't be the matter here.

I had the luck to meet, apart for excptional individual, various divination and oracular techniques and tools : cards, I-Ching, geomancy,...  but the cards - tarots, but also minchiate, and spanish or italian cards - were for a very long time my tool of choice in order to practice what Jean Servier paradoxically called "techniques of the invisible".

Wandering around the tarot, I eventually worked to learn and emulate the ancient cardmakers work, drawing, cutting and printing a couple series of tarot cards.

« Divination », « clearvoyance » - just like music - is not about the instruments, if techniques described in books and manuals and many tools, card decks, ... are a way to channel sensation, to induce vision, it is fundamentally accepting this "Seeing" and the honest, sensitive and benevolent engagement on this path that enable clear voyance, the divining operation, as in a "divine game" and not a mere "guessing tricks".