4 vidéos by Mathilde Jouannet 'english subtitles available)
(fr) about Crowley's tarot, a discussion driven by Dist de Kaerth with Philippe Pissier & B.S.G.
Le tarot de Thoth -
(fr) some Hagel's questions answered on Equi-Nox website :
Interview Bertrand Saint-Guillain - Equi-nox
(fr)interview by Grimoire de Mnémosyne - Alain Jacobs
5 questions à... Bertrand Saint-Guillain
(en) Interview by Kyle McGregor (The Hermit's Lamp, Toronto)
Wildness, art and tdm, a conversation with Bertrand Saint Guillain
(fr)Interview by Yvette Neliaz about the exhibition « Tarot en 22 triomphes »
at the Mona Lisait bookshop gallery
BERTRAND SAINT-GUILLAIN Tarot en 22 triomphes from Yvette Neliaz.